By Barbara Rothweiler, PhD, Principal of St. Pius X High School
St. Pius X High School’s Deacon Rene Greivel passed away March 31, 2020. Deacon Rene headed our Campus Ministry Team, Reconciliation Days, Liturgical Ceremonies and Retreat Program for close to 20 years. Deacon Rene spent his life ministering to youth at a number of parishes in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He touched many lives. Deacon’s mantra: “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.”
Deacon Rene was appointed as the school’s Deacon by Archbishop Emeritus Michael Sheehan during a time when there was not a priest available to assign to the school. He immediately developed great relationships with the students and worked with them so that the school’s liturgical programs were presented by the students themselves. He trained students to assist at Mass as lectors and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Holy Thursday Stations of the Cross were presented by students with readings and music in mind. With the help of others, Deacon Rene organized all the retreats from the senior students at Camp Oro Quay to the freshmen retreat in the gym at the beginning of each school year. Deacon Rene gave spiritual guidance to those students who needed it or were assigned to him. It must not be overlooked that Deacon Rene spent much of his free time at boys and girls athletic events, opening the games with a prayer, watching those from public schools signing themselves with the Cross.
Deacon entered the hospital in December 2019 after the Christmas Mass at St. Pius X. He was between hospital and rehab for the last months. The family brought him to his home in March in hopes that he would continue on for a while, but the Lord had other plans for him. His beloved wife of many years, Merle, passed away last fall. We all hope he is with her.
One of Deacon Rene’s dreams was that all students would begin praying a Rosary during their lunch hour. It would be fitting for all Sartan Families to offer a Rosary for Deacon Rene.
Whenever we finished conversations with Deacon, he would always say, “Hey, Hey! I love you.” So, now we all say “Hey, Hey, Deacon! We love you and we will miss you!”